Before we take our holiday season break we will dedicate the Sundays leading up that time to S3VT Workshops.
Sun.Nov.26.017 – Siu Nim Tau
Sun.Dec.03.017 – Chum Kiu
Sun.Dec.10.017 – Daan Chi Sau, Laap Sau, Seung Ci Sau
Each of the workshops will focus on cover structure, concepts, and applications for the first half of the day (1p – 3:20p), a 20min. Q&A and break, then putting those ideas to work for the second half of the day (3:40p – 6p).
Be sure to bring a sufficient water supply, snacks, and any platform you wish to make notes with.
Photos permitted.
Video recording will be permitted at specified times.
Free for all Team S3VT Members.
$50/Workshop for Guests.