with obvious pride , that the first open day of the Ving Tsun Como of the new year , will be held on January 25, 2016 – 8:30 to 10:30 – at our headquarters via Sant’Eutichio , 3 – Como ( Fitness Center ) .
The lecture will focus on the main themes of the Ving Tsun Kung Fu lineage Wong Shun Leung / Philipp Bayer , the usefulness and implementation of the forms with bare hands and with tools , core exercises , and ( for the more experienced ) a series of exercises i’m sure that will test the skills of all participants .
The proof , as is our custom , will be held with the utmost seriousness and respect for this wonderful lineage of Wing Chun but without forgetting the lightness and familiarity that lessons of this kind require in order to be usable and bearing .
+39 333 4767027
Booking also available through our Facebook Event Page.