Philipp Bayer Ving Tsun – Chi Sau at Liège Seminar 2013
Philipp Bayer working Chi Sao with students. Posted by Hani Sabbagh Ving Tsun …
Philipp Bayer working Chi Sao with students. Posted by Hani Sabbagh Ving Tsun …
In July 2016 we’ll have the honor to host Philipp Bayer, representative for Ving Tsun Europe and one of Wong Shun Leung’s students.
On 27 and 28 February 2016 the first stage of the Ving Tsun Kung Fu Manuel Cammozzo Semianr will be held. Cammozzo is the representative of the Italian Ving Tsun Kung Fu Federation , by way of Sifu Philipp Bayer. The VTKFAE headquarters are located at Ving Tsun Como, in Como Italy.
We are pleased to announce , with obvious pride , that the first open day of the Ving Tsun Como of the new year , will be held on January 25, 2016.
In July 2015 we’ll have the honor to host Philipp Bayer.
We have the honor to host Sifu Philipp Bayer in Serbia.